Help PSP Adopt a Bench!

Help PSP Adopt a Bench!

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Over the years, Park Slope Parents (PSP) has partnered with Green-Wood on countless events. Over the summer, the PSP community raised funds to adopt a bench at Green-Wood. ("Garden Mausoleum 2" on this map.)

Now, in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month in October, PSP is adopting an additional bench to honor those who have experienced loss during pregnancy or infancy. The bench will be the one called "Garden Mausoleum 1" on this map.

In the shade of beautiful bamboo and near the tranquility of the koi pond, these benches offer people the chance to come together and find solace in their shared grief. We hope that the benches will become a symbol of comfort and connection for families, a place where the legacy of loved ones can be cherished. 

Checks made payable to The Green-Wood Historic Fund with “PSP Bench” in the memo may be mailed to: 

Attn: Development
500 25th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232

All donations are fully tax deductible contributions to The Green-Wood Historic Fund, a 501c3 non-profit. Please note that donations cannot be refunded. If the goal is not met, or additional donations are received before the campaign is closed, your donations will be put toward Green-Wood's greatest areas of need in serving our community. 

For questions about Park Slope Parents or this fundraiser, please email For questions about your donation, please email 

If you would like your donation to remain anonymous, please make a note in the comments box during checkout.


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