Adopt a Tree
Regular price $1,000.00
Unit price per
New Adoptions
If you have a specific tree in mind: You should confirm availability by email before making your adoption. We recommend having a few choices, in case any are not available. Every tree at the Cemetery has a tag number, and you will need to provide them in your email. Tag numbers can be found on either a small silver tag or a colorful band, depending on the tree. Please also include the period of time for which you plan to adopt.
If you don't have a specific tree in mind: Let us know in the comments box at checkout and we will reach out to you to give you guidelines for how to select a tree.
Renewing Adoptions
Please indicate in the comments box at checkout that you are renewing an adoption, and include the type of tree and name of the person to whom it is dedicated.
Please click here to review our tree adoptions terms and policies.
If you would like your donation to remain anonymous, please make a note in the comments box during checkout.